Periodontology for general practitioners

The aim of the course is to provide knowledge of periodontology to general practitioners who, even wanting to direct the patient to a specialist periodontist, will have to help in acute, more urgent conditions.

This course is aimed at people who want to update their knowledge of periodontology and want to know what their periodontist can contribute to team plans.

During the course you will learn:

  • How to conduct a proper examination of the patient in order to detect mucosal and periodontal problems.
  • What is the current division and characteristics of periodontal disease (change in classification 2017).
  • How to deal with acute periodontal conditions: periodontal abscesses and endodontic-periodontological changes, necrotizing periodontal diseases.
  • What are the current guidelines for the use of antibiotics in general in periodontics?
  • You will learn the most common pathological conditions in the oral cavity: changes in the course of nicotinism, leukoplakia, precancerous conditions, lichen planus, aphthae, candidiasis, viral infections.
  • You will learn the problem of recession – mainly in the context of reconstruction of cervical cavities before the recession coverage.
  • Poznasz problem recesji – głównie w kontekście odbudowy ubytków przyszyjkowych przed zabiegiem pokrycia recesji.
Training dates: 28.09.2019
Price: 990 zł
Place: Atelier Uśmiechu
Kłobucka str. 8a
Number of participants: 8
More information and registration:
+48 783 821 842


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Atelier Uśmiechu is a dental clinic located in Mokotów, Warsaw. We mark out in the quality of our services and in our professional, experienced team of medical doctors who specialize in every dental field. We use only the best, highest quality materials and the most modern equipment.

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