Atelier Uśmiechu Warszawa:
ul. Nowy Służewiec 21/U4
Atelier Uśmiechu Warszawa:
ul. Kłobucka 8A/U7
Atelier Uśmiechu Grójec:
ul. Bokserska 9/L1

The Quality Standards

The highest quality standards in Atelier Uśmiechu

Modern dentistry

The times when we used to go to dentist office and our doctor was an orthodontist, am oral surgeon and even an implantologist at once has passed by. Modern dentistry means specializations and a multitasking team, within which every member is a great specialist in chosen specialty. We have created such team in Atelier Uśmiechu. We are glad to work with the best professionals within each field, so that we can provide you the best quality of our services.

Tested materials

We work using the new generation tested materials made particularly for teeth fillings. We pay a lot of attention to prosthetics, including the occlusions and pink esthetics – the way how gums look. We collaborate with the best Polish prosthetic laboratories. Thanks to using microscopes and dental magnifiers, we can obtain the best precision in order to provide the most accurate diagnosis and shorten the treatment time as much as possible.

We set the fillings in cofferdam, using the microscope. We use the latest generation material, that is better than older ones considering its esthetics and higher endurance. When setting the veneers and crowns – we use the system of treating teeth using zooming, effect visualizing, obtaining natural color and shape. We run the analysis of occlusion and temporomandibular joint’s work in order to provide the best quality of our treatments.


  • Stomatologia Zachowawcza

    Specjalizujemy się w profilaktyce przeciwpróchnicowej i skutecznym leczeniu zaatakowanych już tkanek twardych zębów.


  • Protetyka

    Oferujemy szeroki wachlarz nowoczesnych rozwiązań dla odbudowania utraconych już zębów ze znakomitym, naturalnym efektem.


  • Okluzja i Leczenie Bruksizmu

    Rozwiązujemy wszelkie problemy związane z niewłaściwym kontaktem pomiędzy zębami a żuchwą czy zgrzytaniem i zaciskaniem szczęki.


  • Endodoncja

    Nowoczesne leczenie kanałowe to nasza specjalność. Gwarantujemy najwyższą jakość wykonywanych zabiegów.


  • Periodontologia

    Wykonujemy wszelkiego typu zabiegi z zakresu leczenia i profilaktyki schorzeń wokół zęba.


  • Stomatologia dziecięca

    Najmłodsi pacjenci są dla nas szczególnie ważni, prowadzimy leczenie stomatologiczne dla dzieci od najmłodszych lat.


  • Ortodoncja

    Zajmujemy się profilaktyką i leczeniem wad zgryzu u pacjentów w każdym wieku. Proste zęby to pasja naszych ortodontów.


  • Wybielanie

    Nasze zabiegi wybielania w bezpieczny sposób zaspokajają potrzebę posiadania białych zębów u najbardziej wymagających pacjentów.


  • Profilaktyka

    Wizyta higienizacyjna nazywana jest również wizytą profilaktyczną. W zależności od sytuacji pacjenta jej celem jest usunięcie kamienia, płytki nazębnej, przebarwień.


  • Chirurgia

    Wykonujemy bezbolesne zabiegi chirurgiczne o wszelkim stopniu skomplikowania, z należytą troską o komfort pacjenta.


  • Implantologia

    Posiadamy wieloletnie doświadczenie w zakładaniu implantów i protez zębowch. Stosujemy wyłącznie najwyższej klasy, bezpieczne materiały.


  • Implantoprotetyka

    W naszej klinice umożliwiamy odbudowanie brakującego uzębienia za pomocą implantów, dla stabilności i poczucia bezpieczeństwa przy każdej czynności.


  • Narkoza

    Rodzajem znieczulenia ogólnego, narkozy, które stosujemy w naszej klinice w trakcie leczenia stomatologicznego jest analgosedacja.


    We take on even the most difficult cases

    We, as the Atelier Uśmiechu, take on even the most difficult implantology cases, thanks to our great implantologists, who use premium systems during treatments, proper planning and using the best quality materials. We guarantee the success of out patients’ treatments, as they are based on unique treatment methods.

    Our Own Treatment Protocol

    We proceed the root canal treatment using the microscope, in a cofferdam, mechanically planned, we fill the root canals with warm gutta-percha, which is the most modern method of root canal treatment. That allows us to decrease the amount of appointments to only one. We use a safe, painless method of teeth whitening, compatible with the latest European Union recommendations. We have our own treatment protocol to treat patients with periodontitis, which has been tested by us for years. The safety of our patients is the most important for us, we try to keep the highest standards of sterilization and disinfection…

    We treat the cause, not symptoms

    • Agnieszka Peret

      Doctor of Dental Science

      The Medical Director of Atelier Uśmiechu Periodontology

      Graduate of Medical Academy of Warsaw. Raising her qualifications in periodontology has been her aim since the beginning of her professional work.


    • Katarzyna Kopciewska

      Doctor of Dental Science

      Conservative dentistry, Children dentistry

      Graduate of Dental Medicine Faculty in Medical University of Białystok. She has been an active member of Polish Association of Dental Students, in order to keep up to date with the latest dentistry trends.


    • Patrycja Ostapiuk - Dąbrowska

      Doctor of Dental Science

      Surgery, Implantology

      Graduate of Medical University of Warsaw. She took a 3rd place in Poland and 2nd in Warsaw Medical Chamber considering the best results of Dental Medical Exam LDEP.


    • Justyna Zub

      Doctor of Dental Science, Master of Science in Orthodontics


      She graduated from dental medicine faculty of Medical University of Lublin in 2010. She specializes in complex orthodontic treatment of children and adults.


    • Marek Rybicki

      Lekarz Stomatolog, lekarz medycyny, specjalista chirurgii twarzowo- szczękowej

      Surgery, Implantology

      Specializes in jaw and oral surgery, implantology and oral and maxillofacial surgery. Graduate of Medical University of Warsaw, where he got a Doctor of Dental Science degree and a Doctor of Medicine degree.


    • Anita Walczak

      The owner of Atelier Uśmiechu

      Dental hygienist

      Dental hygienist with a large passion to her profession. The author of a book “Sztuka mycia zębów” (“The art of brushing teeth”) published by PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie.


      Warranties in Atelier Uśmiechu

      Our services’ standards are always the best quality, so that we can give our clients warranties to our treatments. Please, keep in mind, that the condition of your teeth after every treatment and the amount of time the perfect condition will last depends not only on us. After every treatment, you will get some pieces of advice and warranty’s rules.


      We give our 3-year warranty for all of the teeth fillings, provided that the patient would come to an appointment in Atelier Uśmiechu every 6 months


      We give our 3-year warranty for every primary root canal treatment; it does not apply to any secondary treatment


      We give our 3-year warranty for every case of prosthetic reconstruction and implants reconstruction


      Lifetime warranty for dental implants

      Book an appointment
      Atelier Uśmiechu
      Atelier Uśmiechu
      About us

      Atelier Uśmiechu is a dental clinic located in Mokotów, Warsaw. We mark out in the quality of our services and in our professional, experienced team of medical doctors who specialize in every dental field. We use only the best, highest quality materials and the most modern equipment.

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